Michael Field
Sep 22, 20211 min read
Festival Alert!
Noppera-bō was accepted to another festival. Halloweenapalooza out in Ottumwa, Indiana will showcase many horror films, including our...

Michael Field
Jun 22, 20211 min read
Bridgeport Film Festival
The short film I shot with RmediA pre-quarantine, then we edited mid-quarantine and finally finished post-quarantine is now part of the...

Michael Field
Mar 30, 20201 min read
Hey! I Directed Something.
It seems like every time I write a post, I have to comment on how long its been since my last post. But no! I won't do it this time....

Michael Field
Feb 4, 20191 min read
I haven't directed anything since last year when we did the 3rd season of Scenes from the Movies, which was last year around this time....