Happy New Year!
2016! The year you do what? The year I do...what? Nobody knows. I'll reference an old blog post from my old blog here: Goals, Not Reolutions. I wrote this at the start of 2013. The idea still remains the same. Resolutions are made to never be completed.
But this post is to look back on my year of 2015. What did I accomplish and what I was trying to accomplish and what I accomplished but hoped never would have to fathom accomplishing. The last one is because I turned 40 in May of 2015. Yikes. 40! My parents are old.
In January 2015, I directed a short I wrote called: The Trans-Candidate. A comedy about inter-office politics during a campaign for office of state senate. It hasn't been released yet, but the trailer is viewable here:
I entered the short in a myriad of festivals and obtained a myriad of rejections. I'm still entering it. But we did get into the ITV Fest which was a nice weekend. This was September 2015. So that's where TC has taken me and the people involved.
Speaking of these people involved, we're all teaming up for a new project. Technially it started in 2015, but it's probably more of a 2016 thing. And that's Life Ends @ 30, a web series about growing up and doing it badly. (I just made that up.) But it's really about that. We've started a crowd-funding campaign and we'll be shooting promos for the series this month.

What else happened in 2015? A script I wrote, Kiddo, became a quarterfinalist in the 2015 Nicholl Fellowship. That was a big deal, to me, at least. I love Kiddo. I love the story and its potential, but it's big budget and it's not something I can do on my own. I wrote it to see it done by others. I'm holding out hope that one day, it'll be on screen somewhere. Being a quarterfinalist furthered that feeling. Check out an excerpt on the script page of the website here.
I've also kept writing. A few short stories. Some web series episodes, one about a swimming pool possessed with the spirit of a dead pool boy. I'm not done with that one, I'm just not sure where to go with it. I've also started a new book...novella...short story kind of thing. I never really start a new writing project with an idea of how long it will take to tell the story. Whatever the length is the length.
I have no expectations of 2016. I know what I'd like to do. I know what I'd like to have happen. If I can work to get to those goals, than that'll be great. If not, and I tried my best, than I'm okay with that, too.