The Town of Brookville

I never intended to create a world where all my stories existed, but with every story, I kept repeating the same towns and locations while writing. And not even in the books, I was consistent with these characters and locations throughout short stories, books, feature scripts, web series scripts and more.
The town of Brookville was a location that was where I set all the stories where strange things happened. The four novelettes/novellas I wrote, which are out now, all took place in the town at various times. I even went back in time to the origins of the town in one story — The Corn Maze. I had Adam Parker visit the town in the second book, Adam Parker and the High School Bully, and dropped some clues to the town's spooky reputation.
When I started writing Katie Kennedy, I knew it was going to be set in a small New England town, and given the genre of the story, Brookville was the logical choice. This time we were visiting Brookville in the mid-1980s, so it was an opportunity to envision the town in a different way.
In some of these stories set in Brookville, the town would be a supporting character, but for Katie Kennedy, not so much. But that didn't mean I couldn't have some fun. I was able to set up a few more potential avenues of storytelling, the highlight being the evil company known as Epsen Pharmaceuticals.
So, the story of Katie Kennedy is now part of the Brookville lore. I'm hoping to continue her journey, however long it may go, which will undoubtedly add more to the town of Brookville.
If you're interested you can find Katie Kennedy on paperback, kindle and other ebook formats.